33 Idioms for Hope

Hope is a powerful force that drives us through challenges and helps us believe in better days ahead. Idioms for hope offer a creative and colorful way to express this uplifting emotion. These phrases highlight optimism, resilience, and the belief that something good is always possible, even in difficult times.

In this article, we’ll explore 33 idioms that express hope, along with their meanings and example sentences. Understanding these idioms can add richness to your conversations and help you convey hope in a more vivid and engaging way.

1. Hold onto hope

  • Meaning: To continue believing that something positive will happen.
  • In a Sentence: Even when the situation seemed bleak, she held onto hope that things would improve.
  • Other Ways to Say: Keep the faith, stay optimistic.

2. Light at the end of the tunnel

  • Meaning: A sign that a difficult period is nearing its end.
  • In a Sentence: After months of struggling, we finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Other Ways to Say: Silver lining, glimpse of hope.

3. Keep the faith

  • Meaning: To continue believing in something despite obstacles or difficulties.
  • In a Sentence: She kept the faith that she would land her dream job, even after many rejections.
  • Other Ways to Say: Stay hopeful, trust the process.

4. Pin one’s hopes on

  • Meaning: To depend on something to achieve a desired outcome.
  • In a Sentence: They pinned their hopes on winning the competition to fund their project.
  • Other Ways to Say: Count on, rely on.

5. Hoping against hope

  • Meaning: To continue hoping even when the odds are against you.
  • In a Sentence: He was hoping against hope that he would be accepted into the program.
  • Other Ways to Say: Wishful thinking, clutching at straws.

6. Wish upon a star

  • Meaning: To make a heartfelt wish for something you desire, often in a whimsical or innocent way.
  • In a Sentence: She wished upon a star for her health to improve.
  • Other Ways to Say: Dream big, hope for the best.

7. Hope springs eternal

  • Meaning: People will always have hope, even in the most difficult circumstances.
  • In a Sentence: Even after the team’s defeat, hope springs eternal for next season.
  • Other Ways to Say: Never lose hope, always hopeful.

8. Every cloud has a silver lining

  • Meaning: There is something positive in every bad situation.
  • In a Sentence: Losing my job was hard, but every cloud has a silver lining — I found a new passion.
  • Other Ways to Say: Blessing in disguise, bright side.

9. Raise one’s hopes

  • Meaning: To make someone feel more hopeful or optimistic.
  • In a Sentence: The news of the new treatment raised our hopes for recovery.
  • Other Ways to Say: Lift one’s spirits, inspire optimism.

10. Bright future ahead

  • Meaning: A hopeful and promising outlook for the future.
  • In a Sentence: With her skills and determination, she has a bright future ahead.
  • Other Ways to Say: Promising future, hopeful journey.

11. Dream big

  • Meaning: To aspire for great or ambitious things in life.
  • In a Sentence: The teacher encouraged the students to dream big and follow their passions.
  • Other Ways to Say: Aim high, set high goals.

12. Hang in there

  • Meaning: To stay hopeful and continue persevering through tough times.
  • In a Sentence: Hang in there, things will get better soon.
  • Other Ways to Say: Keep going, stay strong.

13. Look on the bright side

  • Meaning: To focus on the positive aspects of a bad situation.
  • In a Sentence: Even though the trip was cancelled, we looked on the bright side and spent time together.
  • Other Ways to Say: Stay positive, find the good.

14. See the glass half full

  • Meaning: To be optimistic or to look at the positive side of things.
  • In a Sentence: He always sees the glass half full, even when things are difficult.
  • Other Ways to Say: Be optimistic, have a positive outlook.

15. High hopes

  • Meaning: Strong belief that something good will happen.
  • In a Sentence: We have high hopes for the new movie to be a success.
  • Other Ways to Say: Great expectations, strong belief.

16. Fingers crossed

  • Meaning: To hope that something will happen or turn out well.
  • In a Sentence: We’ve got our fingers crossed for good weather during our vacation.
  • Other Ways to Say: Wishing for the best, hoping for good luck.
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17. Wishful thinking

  • Meaning: Hope for something that is unlikely to happen.
  • In a Sentence: Winning the lottery is just wishful thinking.
  • Other Ways to Say: Pipe dream, unrealistic hope.

18. Dream come true

  • Meaning: Something that has been hoped for or desired for a long time.
  • In a Sentence: Becoming a published author was a dream come true for her.
  • Other Ways to Say: Wish fulfilled, long-awaited reality.

19. Hopeful heart

  • Meaning: A heart full of optimism and hope.
  • In a Sentence: With a hopeful heart, she embarked on her new adventure.
  • Other Ways to Say: Optimistic spirit, positive mindset.

20. Hope for the best

  • Meaning: To remain optimistic and wish for the most favorable outcome.
  • In a Sentence: We hope for the best as we await the final decision.
  • Other Ways to Say: Stay positive, wish for good results.

21. Outlook bright

  • Meaning: A hopeful or positive view of the future.
  • In a Sentence: With new leadership, the company’s outlook is bright for the coming year.
  • Other Ways to Say: Bright prospects, optimistic view.

22. Silver lining

  • Meaning: A positive aspect in a difficult or negative situation.
  • In a Sentence: The silver lining of losing my job was that I found a career I truly love.
  • Other Ways to Say: Blessing in disguise, good that comes from bad.

23. Keep one’s chin up

  • Meaning: To stay cheerful and hopeful despite challenges.
  • In a Sentence: Keep your chin up, better days are on the way!
  • Other Ways to Say: Stay optimistic, stay positive.

24. Better days ahead

  • Meaning: The future will be better than the present or the past.
  • In a Sentence: After the storm, we believe that better days are ahead for the community.
  • Other Ways to Say: Brighter future, good times coming.

25. Glimmer of hope

  • Meaning: A small sign or possibility that something good might happen.
  • In a Sentence: The unexpected call from the employer gave him a glimmer of hope.
  • Other Ways to Say: Ray of hope, small chance.

26. Nurture hope

  • Meaning: To care for and encourage hope to grow and thrive.
  • In a Sentence: It’s important to nurture hope, even in difficult times.
  • Other Ways to Say: Cultivate optimism, foster belief.

27. Be in good spirits

  • Meaning: To feel positive and hopeful.
  • In a Sentence: Even after the setback, she remained in good spirits.
  • Other Ways to Say: Be cheerful, stay hopeful.

28. Hold out hope

  • Meaning: To continue believing that something good will happen.
  • In a Sentence: I’m holding out hope that we can still win the game.
  • Other Ways to Say: Maintain hope, keep hoping.

29. Beyond the horizon

  • Meaning: Refers to future possibilities that are full of potential and hope.
  • In a Sentence: There’s a whole new world of opportunities beyond the horizon.
  • Other Ways to Say: Bright future ahead, endless possibilities.

30. A ray of hope

  • Meaning: A small but significant indication that things might improve.
  • In a Sentence: The unexpected donation was a ray of hope for the struggling charity.
  • Other Ways to Say: Glimmer of hope, spark of optimism.

31. Cross your fingers

  • Meaning: To hope for good luck or a favorable outcome.
  • In a Sentence: I’m crossing my fingers for a positive result in my job interview.
  • Other Ways to Say: Hope for the best, wish for success.

32. Be hopeful

  • Meaning: To maintain a positive outlook and expectation.
  • In a Sentence: Despite the challenges, she remains hopeful about the future.
  • Other Ways to Say: Stay optimistic, keep the faith.

33. Against all odds

  • Meaning: To succeed or hope for something, even when the chances are very low.
  • In a Sentence: She succeeded in finishing the race, against all odds.
  • Other Ways to Say: Despite difficulties, against the odds.

MCQ Quiz on 33 Idioms for Hope

MCQ Quiz on 33 Idioms for Hope

1. What does the idiom “Hold onto hope” mean?

a) To give up hope
b) To continue believing that something positive will happen
c) To ignore negative situations
d) To hope for something that is unrealistic

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Answer: b) To continue believing that something positive will happen

2. Which of the following is a synonym for “Light at the end of the tunnel”?

a) Hoping against hope
b) Glimmer of hope
c) Every cloud has a silver lining
d) Silver lining

Answer: b) Glimmer of hope

3. What does the idiom “Pin one’s hopes on” mean?

a) To rely on something for a good outcome
b) To lose all hope
c) To hope for unrealistic goals
d) To give up all expectations

Answer: a) To rely on something for a good outcome

4. What is the meaning of the idiom “Dream big”?

a) To aim for something modest
b) To hope for something great or ambitious
c) To dream about impossible things
d) To limit your expectations

Answer: b) To hope for something great or ambitious

5. Which of the following best describes the idiom “Every cloud has a silver lining”?

a) There is a positive aspect to every difficult situation
b) Bad things always lead to worse outcomes
c) Clouds are always dark and negative
d) Only bad things happen in tough times

Answer: a) There is a positive aspect to every difficult situation

6. What does “Fingers crossed” mean?

a) Wishing for the best and hoping for a positive outcome
b) To make sure something bad happens
c) Not caring about the outcome
d) To stay indifferent to the results

Answer: a) Wishing for the best and hoping for a positive outcome

7. What does the idiom “Wishful thinking” imply?

a) Hoping for something that is highly likely to happen
b) Hoping for something that is unlikely to happen
c) A realistic hope
d) Giving up all hope

Answer: b) Hoping for something that is unlikely to happen

8. Which of the following is a synonym for the idiom “Hope springs eternal”?

a) Always hopeful
b) Hoping against hope
c) Be in good spirits
d) Look on the bright side

Answer: a) Always hopeful

9. What is the meaning of “Keep one’s chin up”?

a) To stay negative in difficult times
b) To remain cheerful and hopeful despite challenges
c) To be cautious about the future
d) To ignore problems

Answer: b) To remain cheerful and hopeful despite challenges

10. What does “A ray of hope” refer to?

a) A small indication that something good might happen
b) Complete hopelessness
c) A signal that all hope is lost
d) A long-term goal

Answer: a) A small indication that something good might happen

11. What is the meaning of “Look on the bright side”?

a) To be pessimistic about a situation
b) To find something positive in a negative situation
c) To ignore all challenges
d) To give up on hope

Answer: b) To find something positive in a negative situation

12. What does the idiom “Hoping against hope” mean?

a) To stop hoping when things get tough
b) To continue hoping even when the situation is very bleak
c) To wish for something that is certain to happen
d) To hope for the impossible without effort

Answer: b) To continue hoping even when the situation is very bleak

13. Which of the following is a synonym for “Keep the faith”

a) Stay positive
b) Trust the process
c) Cling to unrealistic goals
d) Lose all hope

Answer: b) Trust the process

14. What does the idiom “Better days ahead” mean?

a) The future will be much better than the present
b) The future is uncertain
c) Things are getting worse
d) Things will never improve

Answer: a) The future will be much better than the present

15. What is meant by “Beyond the horizon”?

a) A distant, uncertain future filled with hope
b) The end of hope
c) An unreachable goal
d) A negative view of the future

Answer: a) A distant, uncertain future filled with hope

16. What does the idiom “Silver lining” represent?

a) A small chance of failure
b) A negative aspect in a bad situation
c) A positive aspect in a negative situation
d) The worst part of a situation

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Answer: c) A positive aspect in a negative situation

17. Which of the following idioms is similar to “Raise one’s hopes”?

a) Boost morale
b) Stay indifferent
c) Look on the bright side
d) Give up

Answer: a) Boost morale

18. What is the meaning of “Glimmer of hope”?

a) A large, clear sign that things will improve
b) A slight, small indication that things may improve
c) The absence of hope
d) A fleeting, unimportant event

Answer: b) A slight, small indication that things may improve

19. Which idiom is related to staying hopeful in difficult situations?

a) Dream big
b) Hang in there
c) Wishful thinking
d) Silver lining

Answer: b) Hang in there

20. What is the meaning of “Dream come true”?

a) A wish that never happens
b) An impossible hope
c) Something you have always hoped for happens
d) An unrealistic goal

Answer: c) Something you have always hoped for happens

21. Which of the following expressions is a synonym for “Look on the bright side”?

a) Stay pessimistic
b) Find the good
c) Ignore all problems
d) Lose all hope

Answer: b) Find the good

22. What does “Hopeful heart” mean?

a) To feel negative about the future
b) To be emotionally exhausted
c) To have an optimistic and positive attitude
d) To ignore any difficulties

Answer: c) To have an optimistic and positive attitude

23. What does the idiom “Cross your fingers” mean?

a) To hope for a positive outcome
b) To be indifferent to the outcome
c) To make a wish that is impossible
d) To be pessimistic

Answer: a) To hope for a positive outcome

24. What is the meaning of “Against all odds”?

a) To succeed despite many obstacles
b) To give up hope easily
c) To face defeat with acceptance
d) To hope for something with no effort

Answer: a) To succeed despite many obstacles

25. Which of the following best represents the idiom “Every cloud has a silver lining”?

a) Good things happen to everyone
b) There’s a bright side to every difficult situation
c) Clouds always bring bad news
d) Only negative outcomes exist

Answer: b) There’s a bright side to every difficult situation

26. What does “Hope for the best” mean?

a) To expect only the worst outcome
b) To remain optimistic and wish for a positive result
c) To give up entirely
d) To be indifferent about the outcome

Answer: b) To remain optimistic and wish for a positive result

27. Which idiom describes the concept of staying positive despite challenges?

a) Pin one’s hopes on
b) Hope for the best
c) Dream come true
d) Wishful thinking

Answer: b) Hope for the best

28. What does “Look on the bright side” encourage people to do?

a) Ignore the negative aspects
b) Focus on finding positive aspects in negative situations
c) Dwell on the bad
d) Avoid challenges

Answer: b) Focus on finding positive aspects in negative situations

29. What does “Hang in there” encourage someone to do?

a) Give up on their goals
b) Keep going and stay hopeful during tough times
c) Ignore challenges
d) Be negative about the future

Answer: b) Keep going and stay hopeful during tough times

30. What does “A ray of hope” refer to?

a) An overwhelming signal of failure
b) A slight possibility that things will improve
c) An unrealistic goal
d) A reason to give up hope

Answer: b) A slight possibility that things will improve

Youtube video about Idioms for Hope


Hope is a powerful force that can help us overcome challenges and stay positive in difficult times. Through idioms, we can express this feeling in creative and meaningful ways, whether we’re clinging to hope, looking for a silver lining, or dreaming big for the future.

By learning these idioms, we not only enrich our vocabulary but also gain a deeper understanding of the ways hope influences our outlook on life. Remember, no matter how tough things may get, there is always a way to keep hope alive and stay optimistic about the future.

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